
Justice for Brittany Hibdon was started with being sourced from Reddit, Daily Mail,  Tumbler, TikTok, Facebook, email, text, phone and video interviews with insiders.  It started on a tip from an anonymous article that is floating around the internet. It is all out there, we were just rounding it up here.

HOWEVER, since that time, multiple verified close friends and loved ones have joined us here, helping with details and inside information. They have been requesting an official, full investigation for over two years.

Everything we post here has been verified.

Loved ones and friends of Brittany Hibdon (1984-2021) are looking for help. A story so bizarre with so many twists and tangles is finally gaining attention to the need for answers.

Even locals who never met Brittany have stated her sudden death never sat right. Something is off in Orland, CA, a small agricultural town, north of Sacramento.

See below for (scroll to the bottom for FAQs): 

 – Gone Four Days after telling her husband she is filing for divorce.

 – Brittany had symptoms for less than three days before death. No full autopsy.

 – Husband quickly moved on to the infamous Sherri Papini.

 – Suzanne Papini and the husband AND Sherri Papini’s psychologist (the two saw the same guy) played matchmakers.

  • Suzanne Papini was Brittany’s therapist.
  • Brittany and her husband were in marriage counseling with Suzanne and (Sherri and Shawn’s) psychologist.
  • This psychologist is a delusional fan of Sherri Papinis – check out his raving testimony about her.

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Justice for Brittany hibdon


Answers for Brittany Hibdon

Gone four days after

Four days before her death, Brittany told her husband she was filing for divorce. On Thursday, September 16, 2021, Brittany told her husband that was her final decision; she was done. This has been confirmed with multiple insiders, both local to the couple and out of state, to whom Brittany confided regarding that conversation on September 17th and 18th, 2021.

Late afternoon, on September  18, 2021, two days before her death, she wasn’t feeling great and left work earlier than usual.

The day (September 19, 2021) before her death she began exhibiting some symptoms. That evening her husband cancelled the nanny from arriving for her regular shift in the morning.

On the day of her death, she was home alone with her children. Her health was deteriorating quickly. Multiple calls were made from the home to the husband’s cell, then to the dealership’s landline when he wasn’t picking up.

That night, shortly after midnight, Brittany died. 911 was called when she stopped breathing.

Brittany Hibdon had friends nationwide, traveled frequently, and was a mover and a shaker in the male-dominated auto sales world.

Brittany’s husband quickly moved on to Sherri Papini. True story, with a bizarre twist in how they go together. Sherri Papini, a rather famous felon, is currently dating Brittany’s widower. The relationship has been confirmed to date back to May of 2022. Possibilities that it dates back further are being explored.

A staff member from a therapy group in Chico, CA informed us that the owner/boss of the group arranged for the two to meet. We are currently delving deeper into this connection, but the questionable actions of a specific psychologist only compound the dysfunctionality in this situation.

With all the attention Hulu’s new docuseries Perfect Wife and Daily Mail’s article about their secretive love affair – perhaps answers about Brittany‘s questionable death will be found.

This reaches well beyond local drama and gossip – Eminem’s pop culture reference in his hit single “Houdini” to Sherri Papini elevates her infamy to the international level.

“Caught sleepin’ and see the kidnappin’ never did happen (no)
Like Sherri Papini, Harry Houdini
I vanish into the thin air as I’m leaving like”

Tips Suspecting Foul Play

were received by Glenn County Sheriff’s Office within hours of the word getting out that Brittany Hibdon had died suddenly and without explanation.

At the time, local sheriffs did not follow up. 

The Butte County Coroner Report shares a brief conversation about Brittany’s overall health with the husband.

When contacted Butte County Sheriff’s Office and Glenn County Sheriff’s Office stated there is no case under Brittany Hibdon’s name. If you contact them and get a different answer, please let us know!

If you have information that could provide answers, please contact the Glenn County Sheriff’s Office.

Justice for Brittany Hibdon
Truth will Rise
Answers for Brittany Hibdon

sheriff badge



The community has expressed the opinion that Brittany’s husbands use of her name, after her death to sell used cars got old after the first year – yet he kept doing it for another year.

Cybersleuths talking with those in the area felt that if  Brittany’s husband had refrained from speaking negatively about her so frequently, the community may have responded better to this sales tactic.

Backstory: Brittany and her husband owned a car dealership in Orland, CA. Brittany was known for her funny radio ads and silly videos.

100% FALSE
During the pandemic, Brittany went the extra mile to protect her family, employees, and customers.

Brittany’s post during pandemic

Here at Justice for Brittany, we want to be cautious in protecting the integrity of any possible future case.

While there is a lot more to the story, for now, we hope this will be enough to encourage and inspire law enforcement to open an official investigation. 

Alarmingly, yes.

To wipe an iphone “clean” back to factory settings takes five steps. It is not possible to do this “accidentally.”

  • Sherri Papini spends time in their home.
  • Sherri has very limited and always supervised time with her own children.
  • Sherri has a lifelong predilection for attention-seeking behaviors.
  • MbP/FDIA 
  • Many who are familiar with Brittany’s husband share that he frequently speaks negatively about Brittany.

Those associated with this page do not want to speculate regarding minor children.

Complications of Covid-19

According to the Butte County Sheriff’s Office Coroner Report, Brittany’s only COVID test was administered post-mortem at Affordable Mortuary in Chico, CA, by a deputy sheriff. 

The coroner report further states the Enloe Hospital did NOT perform a COVID test during their life-saving efforts. They were focused on the severe Hypoglycemic presentation.

Kathy Raven, MD is the medical examiner who completed the very limited autopsy of Brittany Hibdon. If that name sounds familar, it is because she recently testified for the Defense in the Chad Daybell trial. Her unique method of refusing to look at any circumstances surrounding a death raised some eyebrows.

Based on reviewing the reports that are available to the public, including the Butte County Autopsy report:

  • Brittany was not given a complete autopsy.
  • She had a ‘limited’ autopsy. Which consists of a visual exam and a basic toxicology report.
  • Basic Toxicology results showed no positive findings.
  • From layman’s eyes, the visual exam was perfunctory.
  • Brittany passed in September of 2021. During that time healthcare, including morgues and medical examiners were short-staffed and overworked and being rewarded and encouraged to mark COVID as a cause of death. Additionally,  most CODs marked as Complications of COVID-19 include what the complication was. Brittany’s simply states “Complications of COVID 19.”
  •  If correct, she is a statistical anomaly – her age, health, and rapidness from symptoms to death.
  • #ANSWERSforBrittanyHibdon

This is a fairly frequently brought-up concern. Verified through people who knew Brittany best – she did NOT have diabetes or any underlying health condition (aside from previous migraine headaches). 

Tracking down the origins of this hearsay, led into the halls of HIPPA fears. However, some were willing to share that life-saving efforts were focused on severe Hypoglycemic presentation. 

Multiple insiders shared that Sherri Papini and Shawn Hibdon both say that Dr. Stephen Diggs, owner and operator of NYSA Therapy in Chico, CA, and his then-employee, Suzanne Papini, MFT decided Shawn and Sherri would be perfect for each other. With Digg’s approval, Suzanne hosted a social event where Shawn and Sherri “fell in love.” They have both been heard bragging that their relationship is “doctor-approved.”

Additionally, it was Psychologist Dr. Diggs and Suzanne Papini, MFT  who were with Shawn Hibdon at Enloe Hospital the night Brittany Hibdon died

 These actions appear to violate multiple APA Ethical Principles including Avoiding Harm and Multiple Relationships.

Changed Debilitating Migraines the Last Few Years of Her Life

Friends shared that Brittany struggled with migraine headaches most of her adult life. It was a hereditary issue, prevalent in her family.

However,  she embarked on her #nomoremigraines journey two years before her death. She frequently shared that she was migraine-free during those last two years – Brittany liked to share with friends and family about it, simply because she was excited about how well it had worked for her. 

By all accounts, Brittany was at the peak of health and fitness at the time of her passing – and certainly, young healthy people do die. However, more commonly it would occur in an accident scenario, heart issues, a tumor, or a cancer diagnosis. Not a few days of symptoms, with no underlying health issues.

Sudden death, at the peak of health and fitness, symptoms for less than three days, no underlying health conditions. No full autopsy.

 Answers are sought by her friends and loved ones.

Brittany’s short illness is not consistent with the progression of COVID-19, statistically or anecdotally. 

Additionally, Covid does not cause Hypoglycemia. Dehydration can sometimes cause hypoglycemia, but Brittany was drinking Gatorade, so this does not point to Covid infection being the only issue (if an issue at all, since we don’t know, due to the unreilabitly of post-mortem Covid testing) that was present at the time of her death.

For a person with no history of diabetes, other causes may include insulin administration or ingestion of other substances that cause hypoglycemia.

Brittany’s death certificate lists the cause of death as Complications of COVID-19, based solely on the post-mortem Covid test. Significantly, the actual COMPLICATION is NOT recorded.

An independent assessment of Brittany’s ambulance and hospital record is needed.

Yes, we recognize that healthy individuals died from COVID-19 complications. 

4% of these deaths were in people under 40 years old. 

Zero percent were within three days of the onset of symptoms in a young, healthy individual with no underlying health conditions.

We are not looking for a COVID debate. We are striving for a full, honest investigation into a sudden death under very suspicious circumstances. 

Could Brittany be an outlier in COVID statistics? Yes. 

Is it possible her death was not COVID-related? Yes.

If this was a COVID-19 death, she was in the 4.5% WORLDWIDE for her age.
covid 19 statistics

We cannot find 1 single report ANYWHERE of someone under age 40 having symptoms for less than 3 days,  then dropping dead.

Do you have a tip about what happened to Brittany Hibdon?

Share what you know and help us find #justiceforBrittany #justiceforBrittanyHibdon #answersforBrittanyHibdon #TruthWillRise


This page is an ongoing summary of what online cyber sleuths have gathered from people who were close to Brittany and/or the situation and reports available to the public. There appears to be some limited movement in Law Enforcement, as several insiders shared they were interviewed by law enforcement recently.

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